New & Pre-owned

We have an ever expanding inventory of instruments and accessories, from new and used to homemade and consigned. We have a large selection of folk and electric instruments. If we don’t have it, we can get it, if we can’t get it, we’ll tell you where to go find it!   

Pre-Owned Instruments
: We sell and buy used instruments. Come in and talk to us about trade ups. 
Consignment: Want to sell an instrument? Bring it in and we can determine the value for you.
From Happy Customers: 
"Awesome shop, awesome owner, awesome service. I hope you stick around for a long time to come. I'll definitely be back. And thanks again for checking out my guitars!"
"Great service and great price. It's nice to have a music store here in Bonney Lake!" 
For you big band players, we have all the accessories you need:
All guitar, mandolin, ukulele (baritone & soprano), and banjo strings are buy one get one free.  
We carry everything for everyone in the band, all the things for strings, drums and bass:
Ask us about our homemade cigar box instruments. See models on the floor or they can be made to your specifications.